Saturday, May 24, 2014

Do it my way ...

Every body like to do their work in their own way, and others to follow their way. If not everybody, certainty most of the people. The art of making others doing the work in your way is called managerial skill, leadership etc .. No need to worry I am not getting some sort of management concepts.
We programmers  do copy the real world arrangement and behaviors to solve software designing problems. So the idea of one program,module and class controlling the way other behave is quite natural. Dependency injection is the well known way of doing such thing.
In Java it used to happen through interface and abstract class. Anonymous class is widely used to define the concrete class for such interface or abstract class.

JButton testButton = new JButton("Test Button");
     testButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
     @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
        System.out.println("Click Detected ...");

In the above code we are creating an anonymous class which extends  ActionListener. This is a commonly used technique. In Java 8 this whole concept is more formalized into lambda expression. We can re-write the previous example

JButton testButton = new JButton("Test Button");
testButton.addActionListener(e->System.out.println("Click Detected ..."));

Lambda expression simplifies the code significantly. Lambda expression is used when we have to implement a functional interface. Functional interface means interface with only one method to be implemented.
So the advantage of lambda expression over anonymous class is it reduce the lines of code.

Happy Coding ;)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Encrypted JDBC connection with Oracle Database

To protect sensitive data encryption is the standard way. Its highly recommended if you are dealing with sensitive data, the application database connection also need to be encrypted. In this article we will go through how to establish a secure JDBC connection to Oracle database.

 1) We need to turn on encryption in oracle server. We can do that by starting Oracle Net Manger. There we have to select Oracle Advance Security and in Encryption tab there is option to turn on Encryption for server.

2) Once the encryption for server is turned on. Next is how to establish a secure connection from Java.
JDBC driver has the capability to establish a encrypted connection. we have to pass necessary information as part of properties to do so. Here is documentation for that.

In this way we can establish encrypted connection. To test whether its working or not, we have to install some network sniffer tools. By that we can verify the exchanged data is encrypted or not. Another way is by turning on the tracing in Oracle Net Manger for network communication. And to check those trace for network traffic data is encrypted or not. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Internationalization Of af:query

I found ADF af:query is very useful. It provide out of box search and reporting capability. Typically we define some search criteria in View Object, and we use that criteria as af:query component.
All the labels we see in the page can be internationalized by using resource bundle in normal way.
For some labels we can use the below properties of af:query
                              ·         headerText
                              ·         resetButtonText
                              ·         saveButtonText
                              ·         searchButtonText
“Advanced” and “Saved Search” automatically take care. In fact all these labels are automatically translated as per locale. Only to support the language for which translation is not available or you want to have your customize label you can use above properties.
And rest of the labels can be customized or internationalized by using resource bundle configured for application module. To do so we need to modify the attribute of view object, In Control Hints section, Label Text filed can be modified to point right message key from the bundle.